The Emergence and Influence of Trip Hop: A Musical and Cultural Journey

Trip hop, a genre that flourished in the 1990s in Bristol, UK, represents not only a fusion of styles but also a revolution in how electronic music and hip hop are perceived. With its downtempo beats, dark atmospheres, and a unique blend of hip hop, dub, soul, and jazz elements, trip hop not only defined a musical aesthetic but also a deep emotional sensibility that resonates to this day.

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Origins and Evolution

Trip hop, a genre that flourished in the 1990s in Bristol, UK, represents not only a fusion of styles but also a revolution in how electronic music and hip hop are perceived. With its downtempo beats, dark atmospheres, and a unique blend of hip hop, dub, soul, and jazz elements, trip hop not only defined a musical aesthetic but also a deep emotional sensibility that resonates to this day.

Bristol, a Creative Hub

Bristol, a city known for its vibrant music scene, witnessed the emergence of trip hop as a creative response to predominant currents of American hip hop and European electronic music. Artists like Massive Attack, formed by Robert Del Naja, Grant Marshall, and Andrew Vowles, pioneered the blending of hip hop beats with atmospheric samples and ethereal vocals. Their debut album “Blue Lines” (1991) not only established the group as an innovative force but also set the characteristic sound of trip hop, influencing an entire generation of musicians.

Portishead: Defining a Sound

Portishead, another key name in the genre, emerged with their album “Dummy” (1994), characterized by melancholic melodies, noir sonic textures, and visually rich aesthetics in their music videos. Geoff Barrow, Beth Gibbons, and Adrian Utley created a sound that combined elements of jazz, rock, and electronica, contributing to the diversification of trip hop and its acceptance as a genre that could explore both emotional darkness and musical complexity.

Sonic Exploration and Aesthetic

Trip hop was not confined to music alone; it encapsulated a visual aesthetic and an emotional narrative that transcended conventional boundaries. Introspective lyrics, often exploring themes of alienation, love, and disillusionment, were complemented by musical arrangements that emphasized atmosphere and sonic texture. Tricky, known for his initial collaboration with Massive Attack and later for his solo career, brought a raw and experimental approach to the genre, incorporating elements of punk, dub, and electronic music into his compositions.

Morcheeba, on the other hand, added a layer of smoothness to trip hop, blending soul, jazz, and downtempo in their albums, creating a melodic and serene counterpoint to the often dark tone of the genre. The inclusion of female vocals, such as those of Skye Edwards, further diversified the sonic palette of trip hop and attracted a broader audience to its emotional and stylistic nuances.

Legacy and Contemporary Influence

While trip hop’s initial peak was in the 1990s, its legacy endures. The musical and visual aesthetic established by groups like Massive Attack and Portishead continued to influence a wide range of contemporary artists, from electronic musicians to hip hop producers and beyond. The use of atmospheric samples, downtempo beats, and a cinematic approach to music found echoes in genres such as downtempo, chillout, and even hip hop lo-fi, trap, indie pop and indie rock.

Moreover, trip hop’s ability to create dense and contemplative atmospheres continues to resonate with audiences who value emotional introspection and musical complexity. Its impact extends beyond music; it influenced visual culture, fashion, and even urban narrative in various parts of the world.

Discover More with TRIP HOP CROSSROADS

To explore the influences of trip hop on music, access the TRIP HOP CROSSROADS playlist and discover a variety of songs and videos that showcase the genre’s infectious influence.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, trip hop is not just a musical genre but a cultural expression that captures the essence of an era and the spirit of a land or a spiritual state. Its ability to transcend boundaries and merge diverse influences continues to inspire and challenge, remaining relevant in an ever-evolving musical landscape, across a global world music infusions.

This playlist aims to explore not only the history and evolution of trip hop but also highlight its enduring significance as a unique voice in the global music landscape.

Trip Hop Crossroads: Explorando a Influência do Trip Hop em Diversos Gêneros


Bem-vindes ao Trip Hop Crossroads, uma playlist super bem-curada que mergulha fundo na vasta influência do trip hop na música contemporânea. Aqui, reunimos videoclipes de diversos gêneros—pop, rock, eletrônico e muito mais—cada um com aquela pitada especial de elementos do trip hop.

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A Influência do Trip Hop na Música

Origens e Evolução: O trip hop surgiu lá em Bristol, na Inglaterra, no início dos anos 90, com bandas icônicas como Massive Attack, Portishead e Tricky. Esse som é marcado por batidas lentas e hipnotizantes, atmosferas sombrias e uma mistura de hip hop, dub, soul e jazz. Desde então, o gênero moldou a música contemporânea, influenciando uma variedade de gêneros e artistas. Aqui também há uma playlist especial que reúne os clássicos do trip hop e suas origens!

Elementos Chave do Trip Hop:

  • Paisagens Sonoras Atmosféricas: O trip hop usa paisagens sonoras ricas e camadas, criando uma experiência imersiva com samples, reverb e efeitos de eco, ou ainda sussuros e camadas sonoras secretas. Mas também vai pro lado oposto: explorando o minimalismo e o silêncio também chegam a resultados bastante curiosos.
  • Batidas Downtempo: As batidas são lentas e deliberadas, muitas vezes influenciadas pelo hip hop, mas mais suaves e espaçadas, mais sedutoras.
  • Melodias Melancólicas: As melodias são sombrias, introspectivas e cheias de profundidade emocional e até mesmo sexy. Dependendo da mensagem, é possível migrar de ambientes dark para o conforto, para a filosofia, para a crítica, para o sarcasmo, para a sensualidade, para o remorso… Há muitas possibilidades!
  • Estilos Vocais: Vocais etéreos e assombrosos que se fundem perfeitamente com a música. Em outros casos a sensualidade e o mistério tomam conta da atmosfera e criam um ambiente bastante provocativo.

Identificando Influências do Trip Hop em Vários Gêneros

Pop e Rock: Artistas contemporâneos de pop e rock incorporam elementos do trip hop, usando técnicas de produção atmosférica, batidas downtempo e letras introspectivas. Bandas como Radiohead e artistas como Lana Del Rey trazem o som sombrio e atmosférico do trip hop.

Eletrônico e Ambient: A influência do trip hop é forte na música eletrônica e ambient, onde a ênfase na textura e atmosfera é evidente. Artistas como Bonobo e The xx abraçam as batidas downtempo e as paisagens sonoras do trip hop.

Hip Hop e R&B: As raízes do gênero no hip hop são óbvias em suas fundações rítmicas. Artistas modernos de hip hop e R&B muitas vezes incorporam as batidas relaxadas e a produção atmosférica do trip hop, e vice-versa. Artistas como Drake e The Weeknd integram esses elementos, ampliando o apelo do trip hop, passando ainda pelo recente boom do trap e pela confortante natureza do hip hop lo-fi.

O Papel dos Videoclipes no Legado do Trip Hop

Narrativa Visual: Os videoclipes têm sido fundamentais para definir e perpetuar a estética do trip hop, apresentando visuais sombrios e cinematográficos que complementam o tom da música. Diretores usam câmera lenta, imagens abstratas e paletas de cores suaves para aumentar o impacto emocional da música.

Exemplos Icônicos: Videoclipes icônicos do trip hop incluem “Teardrop” do Massive Attack, com sua narrativa visual líquida, e “Glory Box” do Portishead, conhecido por sua estética inspirada no noir.

Continuação da Influência: O estilo visual pioneiro dos videoclipes de trip hop continua a influenciar artistas contemporâneos de diversos gêneros. Videoclipes modernos frequentemente utilizam as técnicas cinematográficas e a narrativa atmosférica do trip hop. Quem muito se destaca aqui, direta ou indiretamente, é Gorillaz, Kendrick Lamar, Racionais MCs, TLC, Céu, Madonna, James Blake, Moloko, alt-J, Chet Faker, 6LACK, Travis Scott, Beyoncé, FKA twigs entre tantos.

Junte-se à Jornada no Trip Hop Crossroads

Explore a Playlist: Mergulhe no Trip Hop Crossroads e experimente a rica tapeçaria de músicas influenciadas pelo trip hop. Esta playlist celebra o legado do gênero e mostra seu impacto em vários estilos musicais.

Descubra os Sons: Das melodias melancólicas do rock alternativo às paisagens sonoras texturizadas da música eletrônica, esta playlist oferece uma jornada pelas influências do trip hop. Ouça com atenção para identificar a produção atmosférica, as batidas downtempo e os vocais por vezes assombrosos, por vezes confortantes.

Experiência Visual: Aproveite os videoclipes cuidadosamente selecionados que acompanham cada faixa, proporcionando um complemento visual aos sons evocativos. Veja como diretores e artistas usam a narrativa visual para aumentar a profundidade emocional da música, criando ambientações super interessantes.

Abracem o Crossroads: Junte-se a nós no Trip Hop Crossroads, onde a influência do trip hop converge com diversos gêneros. Seja você um fã de longa data ou alguém descobrindo o gênero pela primeira vez, esta playlist oferece uma exploração abrangente do legado duradouro do trip hop. Mas se sua curiosidade não é limitada, você ainda tem esse blog todo pra explorar e também o canal da PLAYLISTISMO no YouTube, incrivelmente cheio de playlists videoclípticas e musicais para os mais diversos gostos e humores!

Para Conhecer o Trip Hop Clássico: Para mergulhar ainda mais nas raízes do trip hop e explorar suas faixas clássicas, visite a playlist Trip Hop Zone. Essa coleção definitiva apresenta os artistas pioneiros e os sucessos atemporais, mas traz também diversos outros grupos e artistas que são essenciais para o estilo e que moldaram o gênero desde o seu início.

Inscreva-se no Playlistismo no YouTube para mais playlists curadas como esta!



Welcome to Trip Hop Crossroads, a curated YouTube playlist that delves into the vast influence of trip hop on contemporary music. This collection brings together music videos from diverse genres—pop, rock, electronic, and beyond—each infused with the distinctive elements of trip hop.

Subscribe to Playlistismo on YouTube to get more curated playlists like this one!

The Influence of Trip Hop on Music

Origins and Evolution: Trip hop emerged from Bristol, England, in the early 1990s, pioneered by iconic bands like Massive Attack, Portishead, and Tricky. It is characterized by slow, hypnotic beats, atmospheric sounds, and a fusion of hip hop, dub, soul, and jazz elements. This genre has shaped contemporary music, influencing various genres and artists.

Key Elements of Trip Hop:

  • Atmospheric Soundscapes: Trip hop uses rich soundscapes and layers, creating an immersive experience with samples, reverb, echo effects, and even hidden whispers and secret sound layers. It also explores minimalism and silence, yielding intriguing results, with tracks made for the hour after the after hour, or before as it depends off of your vibe.
  • Downtempo Beats: The beats are slow and deliberate, often influenced by hip hop but smoother and more spaced out, drawing you in.
  • Melancholic Melodies: The melodies are dark, introspective, and emotionally deep, sometimes even sexy. Depending on the message, it can shift from dark environments to comfort, philosophy, critique, sarcasm, sensuality, remorse… There are many possibilities!
  • Vocal Styles: Ethereal and haunting vocals that blend perfectly with the music. In other cases, sensuality and mystery take over the atmosphere, creating a provocative ambiance.

    Identifying Trip Hop Influences in Various Genres:
  • Pop and Rock: Contemporary pop and rock artists incorporate trip hop elements, using atmospheric production techniques, downtempo beats, and introspective lyrics. Bands like Radiohead and artists like Lana Del Rey bring the dark, atmospheric sound of trip hop.
  • Electronic and Ambient: Trip hop’s influence is strong in electronic and ambient music, emphasizing texture and atmosphere. Artists like Bonobo and The xx embrace downtempo beats and trip hop’s soundscapes.
  • Hip Hop and R&B: The genre’s roots in hip hop are evident in its rhythmic foundations. Boom Bap and Modern hip hop and R&B artists often incorporate relaxed beats and atmospheric production from trip hop. Artists like De La Soul, The Brotherhood, Racionais MCs, TLC, Drake and The Weeknd integrate these elements, expanding trip hop’s appeal, also touching on recent internet rhythms as trap and lo-fi hip hop.

The Role of Music Videos in Trip Hop’s Legacy:

  • Visual Narrative: Music videos have been crucial in defining and perpetuating trip hop’s aesthetic, featuring dark, cinematic visuals that complement the music’s tone. Directors use slow motion, abstract imagery, and soft color palettes to enhance the emotional impact of the music.
  • Iconic Examples: Iconic trip hop music videos include Massive Attack’s “Teardrop,” known for its liquid visual narrative, and Portishead’s “Glory Box,” celebrated for its noir-inspired aesthetic.
  • Continued Influence: The pioneering visual style of trip hop music videos continues to influence contemporary artists across genres. Modern music videos often use cinematic techniques and atmospheric narratives from trip hop. Standout examples include Gorillaz, Kendrick Lamar, SZA, Céu, Madonna, James Blake, Moloko, alt-J, Chet Faker, 6LACK, Travis Scott, Beyoncé, FKA twigs, among many others.

Join the Journey at Trip Hop Crossroads:

  • Explore the Playlist: Dive into Trip Hop Crossroads and experience the rich tapestry of music influenced by trip hop. This playlist celebrates the genre’s legacy and showcases its impact on various musical styles.
  • Discover the Sounds: From melancholic melodies of alternative rock to textured soundscapes of electronic music, this playlist takes you through trip hop’s influences. Listen closely to identify atmospheric production, downtempo beats, and vocals that are haunting or comforting.
  • Visual Experience: Enjoy carefully selected music videos that accompany each track, providing a visual complement to the evocative sounds. See how directors and artists use visual narrative to deepen the emotional depth of the music, creating captivating settings.
  • Embrace the Crossroads: Join us at Trip Hop Crossroads, where the influence of trip hop converges with diverse genres. Whether you’re a long-time fan or discovering the genre for the first time, this playlist offers a comprehensive exploration of trip hop’s lasting legacy.

For Classic Trip Hop: To dive deeper into trip hop’s roots and explore its classic tracks, visit the Trip Hop Zone playlist. This definitive collection showcases the pioneering artists and timeless hits that shaped the genre from its inception.

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Top Upload: FEBRUARY 2018

AJ HernzBlue FacesOnce Upon A VibeDesAesthetic
AJR ft. Rivers CuomoSober UpThe ClickAaron A
Agar AgarFangs OutThe Dog and the FutureWilliam Laboury
Alice Phoebe LouSheNatalia Bazina
ÄngieDopeSuicidal Since 1995Ängie & Christofer Nilsson
Bad BunnyAmorfodasingleFernando Lugo
Bad WolvesZombieDisobeyWayne Isham
Baco Exu Do BluesSinfonia Do AdeusEsúDiogo Moncorvo / Dario Vetere
Big FamiliBadadam (All Star Remix)
Blimes ft. Method ManHot DamnCastlesDJ Turner
BØRNSI Don’t Want U BackBlue MadonnaChuck Grant
Chloe x HalleThe Kids Are AlrightThe Kids Are AlrightCara Stricker
Christian LöfflerMosaicsMareJacob Sauermilch
Corina Lawrence ft. Miss BoliviaLa DescarriáApurar La PrimaveraSopa Estudio
Current JoysA Different AgeA Different AgeNick Rattigan
Cynthia LuzTento EntenderCléver Cardoso
Danna Lisboa ft. Gloria GrooveQuebradeiraIdeaisLos Cabras (Antônio Adriano e Thiago Reys)
DayglowCan I Call You Tonight?FuzzybrainSloan Struble
Death From Above 1979Caught UpOutrage! Is NowEva Michon
Diplo ft. DRAMLook BackCaliforniaBrandon Dermer
DrakeGod’s PlanScorpionKarena Evans
Ducon ft. ADLSoma Ou Some 26 estrelasGuilherme Brehm
HalseySorryhopeless fountain kingdomSing J. Lee & Halsey
HI-LO & Dada LifeLove VibrationssingleDavid N. Donihue
IceageCatch ItBeyondlessAdam Hashemi
Iris JPFarewellMortalityKazuki Yokota
Isabel GueixaUm Bom Lugar
Jah Trouble, Israel Voice, Diana Rutherford, Kazam Davis & Jah ExileIconoclast Riddim MedleyRomain Sherkhan Chiffre
J.I.D.EdEddnEddyDiCaprio 2Fred Lozano
Jay Rock ft. Kendrick Lamar, Future & James BlakeKing’s DeadRedemptionDave Free / Jack Begert
Jonathan BreeValentineSleepwalkingJonathan Bree
Julia MichaelsHeavenFifty Shades Freed OSTSophie Muller
Karen Méndez & Cris MonéBesos En GuerraAna Marrero
Kell SmithNossa ConversaKell SmithRafa Marques / Raphael Montagner
KelelaFrontlineTake Me ApartClaudia Matè
Kendrick Lamar ft. SZAAll The StarsBlack PantherDave Meyers / the little homies
Kero Kero BonitoOnly ActingTime ‘n’ Place
King Princess1950Make My BedClare Gillen
Kylie MinogueDancingGoldenSophie Muller
Lizbeth RománBolero SaltarínLizbeth Román
LizzMercurio LentoReclaiming The VoidChristian Saavedra
Lady LeshurrNew FreezersingleKaylum Dennis
Maite Perroni ft. Alexis & FidoComo Yo Te QuierosingleBroducers
Marshmello ft. Lil PeepSpotlightsingleNick Koenig
Mark Pritchard ft. Gregory WhiteheadCome Let UsThe Four WorldsJonathan Zawada
Maroon 5WaitRed Pill BluesDave Meyers
MC Loma & As Gêmeas LacraçãoTreme TremesingleTchatchael
MC ThaValenteValente EPJaloo
Men I TrustShow Me HowOncle JazzMen I Trust
MGMTMe And MichaelLittle Dark AgeJoey Frank / Randy Lee Maitland
Moss KenaSquare OneFound You In 06Holly Blakey
MorMorHeaven’s Only WishfulHeaven’s Only WishfulMax Chandler / Pia Perez / Seth Nyquist / Sylvain Chaussee
MonsuneNothing In ReturnsingleScott Zhang
Nathy PelusoLa SandungueraLa SandungueraJavier Díaz
NB ft. Rap Plus Size & Stella YeshuaAscensão Espantosa
Nos MiranHumoHumoAntonio Máiquez
O.B.F. & Charlie PNew GenerationGhetto CycleFab / Vinz / Dser
of MontrealPlateau Phase / No Careerism No CorruptionWhite Is Relic / Irrealis MoodChristina Eleni Schneider & Clayton Rychlik
OklouFriendlessThe Rite Of MayKevin Elamrani-lince
Pabllo Vittar ft. DiploEntão VaiVai Passar MalHick Duarte
ParamoreRose-Colored BoyAfter LaughterWarren Fu
Rainbow Kitten SurpriseHoly WarHow to: Friend, Love, FreefallJohnny Chew
Rels BLejos De TiVida PlayRels B
Royal CanoeLiving A LieSomething Got Lost Between Here And The OrbitKevan Funk
RIRIThat’s My BabyRIRIAnthony Silvester
RubioHacia El FondoPezPepe Alarcón
Sammie ft. Eric BellingerShow And TellComing Of Age
Simian Mobile Disco ft. Deep Throat ChoirCaught In A WaveMurmurationsKianí Del Valle
Snow Tha Product ft. Castro Escobar & LexTheGreatAnywayWoke Productions
SuperorganismReflections On The ScreenSuperorganismRobert Strange
Tinashe ft. FutureFaded LoveJoyrideSasha Samsonova
Thornato ft. Zongo AbongoBack It UpBack It UpJustin Conte
Trippie Redd ft. Travis ScottDark Knight DummoLife’s A TripWhite Trash Taylor
Two FeetI Feel Like I’m DrowningA 20 Something FuckAbsofacto
Vancouver Sleep ClinicAyahuascaTherapy Phase 01Jarrod Harker
WallowsPictures Of GirlsSpringShelly
Willie DeVille ft. Ché “El Pesoneto”Juanito Chin-ChinWillie DeVille
Wu-Tang ft. Redman & Inspectah DeckLesson Learn’dThe Saga ContinuesItchy House Films

Top Upload: JANUARY 2018

Estreias MTV Brasil: Agosto 2009

Videoclipes que estreavam na programação da MTV Brasil no mês de Agosto de 2009:

artista: “título da música” > direção
Jack & Os Estripadores: “Jack Não Gostava De Ninguém” > Ângelo Stimamilio / Eduardo Borges
Percivais: “Cowboy” > Julian Mello
Paloma Faith: “Stone Cold Sober” > Sophie Muller
Holger: “The Auction” > Caetano Gottardi
R.Sigma: “Sobre Trunfos E Bandeiras” > Aliê Gonçalves / Rodrigo Romano
K’naan: “T.I.A.” > Nabil
Demi Lovato: “Here We Go Again” > Brandon Malloy / Tim Wheeler
Fernanda Porto: “Perdi O Tom” > Caetano Cotrim / Maurício De Carvalho
Mister Lúdico & Os Morféticos: “Caixote” > Vivi Andreani / Paulo Murilo Fonseca
Multiplex: “Peles, Diamantes E Crocodilos” > Multiplex [*]
Kanye West ft. Mr. Hudson: “Paranoid” > Nabil
Cérebro Eletrônico: “Dominó Tecnológico” > Anna Penteado [*]
A-Ha: “Foot Of The Mountain” > Olaf Heine
Papa Roach: “I Almost Told You That I Loved You” > Colin Minihan
Marcelo D2 ft. Seu Jorge: “Pode Acreditar (Meu Laiá Laiá)” > Johnny Araújo
50 Cent: “Ok, You’re Right” > 50 Cent / Broadway
Florence + The Machine: “Kiss With A Fist” > Prince James
Brollies & Apples: “Rented Dreams” > Bruno Safadi
Carlinhos Brown: “Earth Mother Water” > Gualter Pulpo / Vicente Kubrusly
Tokio Hotel: “Don’t Jump” > Kerry Asmussen
La Roux: “Bulletproof” > UFO
MV Bill ft. Kmila CDD: “O Bonde Não Para” > MV Bill
Flo Rida ft. Wynter: “Sugar” > Shane Drake
Belle: “Incerteza” > Johnny Marco
Macula: “Em Vão” > David Aguiar / Helton Vilar
Bugallu: “Nego Samba Futebol Clube” > Hudson Vianna
Parábola: “Itaquera De Boa” > Marcio Reis
N.A.S.A. ft. KRS-One, Fatlip & Slim Kid Tre: “Hip Hop” > Sp’Lunny
Jonas Brothers: “Fly With Me”
Kristinia DeBarge: “Goodbye” > Nicole Acacio / Ray Kay
HIBRIDA: “Alma Seca” > Bruno Dos Santos / Buda Soares
Kasabian: “Underdog” > Charlie Lightening
Honor Society: “Where Are You Now?” > Declan Whitebloom
Holger: “No Breaks (sessões mtv)” > Rodrigo Leme [*]
Arctic Monkeys: “Crying Lightning” > Richard Ayoade
Jay-Z ft. Kanye West & Rihanna: “Run This Town” > Anthony Mandler
Mariah Carey: “Obsessed” > Brett Ratner
Fresno: “Desde Quando Você Se Foi” > Daniel Ferro
MGMT: “Kids” > Ray Tintori
Britney Spears: “Radar” > Dave Meyers
Empire Of The Sun: “Standing On The Shore” > Josh Logue
Ciara ft. Missy Elliott: “Work” > Melina Matsoukas
Sean Kingston: “Fire Burning” > Gil Green
P!nk: “Funhouse” > Dave Meyers
Drop!: “Eu Vou Zuar” > Guilherme de Mesquita Monteiro / Jacque La Noyée
Ramirez: “Em Roma & Lyon” > Henrique Sauer
Edu Portela: “O Seu Amor” > João Marcos Luz
Paramore: “Ignorance” > Honey
Andreas Kisser ft. Zé Ramalho: “Em Busca Do Ouro” > Celso Cunha / Lighia
Mandala: “Não Diga” > Rodrigo Gianetto
Hidrocor ft. Tatá Aeroplano: “Urso Bipolar” > Marcelo Perdido / Samuel Rodrigues
Skarrapatos-KO: “Pro Putero Eu Vou” > Rafael Barioni
HellSakura: “Hate” > Roberto Maxwell
Volver: “A Sorte” > Leonardo Domingues
Sabotage ft. Instituto & Ganjaman: “Sai Da Frente” > 13 Produções / Leprechaum
CPM22: “Estranho No Espelho” > Christian Targa
U2: “I’ll Go Crazy If I Don’t Go Crazy Tonight” > David O’Reilly
Montage: “I Trust My Dealer” > Gustavo Conigiero
Tiê: “Te Valorizo” > Leandro HBL
The-Dream ft. Kanye West: “Walkin’ On The Moon” > Hype Williams
Shakira: “She Wolf” > Jake Nava
Eva Simons: “Silly Boy” > Micky & Warwick
Beyoncé: “Sweet Dreams” > Adria Petty
Megh Stock: “Sofá Emprestado” > Gustavo Bonafé
Colbie Caillat: “Fallin’ For You” > The Malloys
Pequeno Cidadão: “Tchau Chupeta” > Fábio Mendonça
Rodrigo Santos: “Não Vá” > Pedro Paulo Carneiro
Pélico: “Naquela Casa” > Binho Miranda
Gossip: “Heavy Cross” > Prince James
Sabrina Starke: “Do For Love” > Danny Stolker
Brothers Of Brazil: “Samba Around The Clock” > Gabriela Greeb / Paulo Vainer
Tiny Masters Of Today: “Radio Riot” > Nicholas Chatfield-Taylor
Zé Guela: “Acabou” > André Bechelane
FEIJÃOcomARROZ: “Diário De Bordo” > Gustavo Michelucci
Gato Carteiro: “Histórias Elétricas De Um Cuco Maluco” > Daniel Priori
Matheus Herriez: “Ser O Que Sou” > AGV Filmes
The Dead Weather: “Treat Me Like Your Mother” > Jon Glazer
Jessie James: “Wanted” > Travis Kopach
Loney Dear: “Airport Surroundings” > Marcus Söderlund
Sébastien Tellier: “Divine” > Ace Norton
Daniel Merriweather: “Red
Kelly Clarkson: “Already Gone” > Joseph Kahn
Fernanda Takai: “Você Já Me Esqueceu” > Daniel Veloso / Eduardo Megale / Eder Santos
Nervoso & Os Calmantes: “Eu Que Já Não Estou Mais Aqui” > Guta Stresser

Benny Boom

Playlist com a videografia do diretor Benny Boom:

Young Capone ft. Daz Dillinger & T-Rock: “I’m Hot”
Ma$e: “Breathe, Stretch, Shake”
Channel Live: “Wild Out 2K”
K-mel: “Bitch”
JT Money ft. Fiona: “Super Chick”
Drunken Master ft. Lola Damone: “50 Playaz Deep”
Warren G ft. LaToya: “Lookin’ At You”
St. Lunatics ft. Nelly: “Let Me In Now”
Ras Kass ft. Kokane: “Back it Up”
QB Finest: “Oochie Wally (Remix)”
Smash Task: “Money” [*]
G. Dep ft. Ghostface Killah, P. Diddy, Keith Murray & Craig Mack: “Special Delivery (Remix)”
3Down: “Baby Boo” [*]
Nas: “Got U’r Self A…”
Rob Jackson ft. Lady May: “Boom, Boom, Boom”
P. Diddy ft. Usher & Loon: “I Need A Girl (Part I)”
P. Diddy ft. Loon, Ginuwine & Mario Winans: “I Need A Girl (Part II)”
Amerie: “Why Don’t We Fall In Love”
Benzino ft. Ray Ray & Case: “Shine Like My Son”
RL: “Good Man”
G. Dep ft. Faith Evans & Meelah: “Everyday” [*]
Jermaine Dupri ft. P. Diddy, Snoop Dogg & Murphy Lee: “Welcome To Atlanta (Coast 2 Coast Remix)”
Ali ft. St. Lunatics: “Breathe In, Breathe Out”
Nelly ft. Kelly Rowland: “Dilemma”
Lyric ft. Loon: “Young & Sexy”
Disturbing Tha Peace ft. Ludacris, Scarface, Lil’ Fate, Infamous 2-0, Keon Bryce & Shawnna: “Growing Pains (Do It Again) [Remix]”
LL Cool J: “Luv U Better (version 2)”
Boyz II Men: “The Color Of Love”
Fat Joe ft. Ginuwine: “Crush Tonight”
Swizz Beatz ft. P. Diddy, Baby, Jadakiss, Cassidy, Snoop Dogg & Ron Isley: “Bigger Business”
Nas: “Made You Look”
Baby ft. Clipse: “What Happened To That Boy?”
LL Cool J ft. Amerie: “Paradise”
Sean Paul: “Like Glue”
YoungBloodZ ft. Lil’ Jon: “Damn!”
Murphy Lee ft. Jermaine Dupri: “Wat Da Hook Gon Be”
Kelly Rowland: “Can’t Nobody”
Nelly: “Pimp Juice”
Nelly ft. P. Diddy & Murphy Lee: “Shake Ya Tailfeather”
Avant: “Read Your Mind”
Ja Rule: “Clap Back”
Monica: “U Should’ve Known Better”
Mobb Deep: “Get It Twisted”
Ruben Studdard: “What If”
Nelly ft. St. Lunatics: “E.I. (The Tip Drill Remix)”
Joe ft. G-Unit: “Ride Wit U”
Big Tymers: “No Love (Beautiful Life)”
Lil’ Flip: “Game Over (Flip)”
Ciara ft. Petey Pablo: “Goodies”
John Doe: “Rollin'” [*]
Nelly ft. Jaheim: “My Place”
Shyne ft. Ashanti: “Jimmy Choo”
Xzibit ft. Keri Hilson: “Hey Now (Mean Muggin)”
Ciara ft. Missy Elliott: “1, 2 Step”
Guerilla Black ft. Mario Winans: “You’re The One”
Mario: “How Could You?”
Cassidy: “I’m A Hustla”
Keyshia Cole: “(I Just Want It) To Be Over”
Nelly ft. Jung Tru & King Jacob: “Errtime”
50 Cent: “Just A Lil Bit”
J-Kwon ft. Ebony Eyez & Petey Pablo: “Get XXX’d”
Dem Franchize Boyz ft. Jermaine Dupri, Bow Wow & Da Brat: “I Think They Like Me (Remix)”
P$C ft. T.I. & Lil’ Scrappy: “I’m A King (Remix)”
Keyshia Cole: “I Should Have Cheated”
Young Jeezy ft. Cam’ron & Akon: “Soul Survival”
Mack 10 ft. Nate Dogg: “Like This”
Mario ft. Juvenile: “Boom”
50 Cent ft. Mase: “Window Shopper”
Ebony Eyez ft. Slim & Q of 112: “Take Me Back”
Avant ft. Jermaine Dupri & Lil Wayne: “You Know What”
Slim Thug ft. Young Jeezy, Slick Pulla & Killa: “Diamonds (Remix)”
David Banner ft. Jazzy Pha: “Touching”
Bow Wow ft. Mike Jones: “Fresh Az I’m Iz”
Bow Wow ft. J-Kwon & Jermaine Dupri: “Fresh Az I’m Iz (Remix)”
Busta Rhymes: “Touch It”
Dem Franchize Boyz: “Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It”
Keyshia Cole: “Love”
Mobb Deep ft. 50 Cent & Nate Dogg: “Have A Party”
Pussycat Dolls ft. “Beep”
Busta Rhymes ft. Mary J. Blige, Rah Digga, Missy Elliott, Lloyd Banks, Papoose & DMX: “Touch It (Remix)”
Lil Wayne: “Hustler Musik / Money On My Mind”
Cherish ft. Sean Paul of YoungBloodZ: “Do It To It”
Busta Rhymes ft. & Kelis: “I Love My Chick”
Lyfe Jennings ft. LaLa Brown: “S.E.X.”
Lil Wayne ft. Robin Thicke: “Shooter”
Rick Ross: “Push It”
Avant ft. Nicole Scherzinger: “Lie About Us”
Robin Thicke: “Lost Without U”
Birdman ft. Lil Wayne: “Stuntin’ Like My Daddy”
Akon ft. Eminem: “Smack That”
Brooke Valentine ft. Pimp C: “D Girl”
Rick Ross: “Blow” [*]
Snoop Dogg ft. R. Kelly: “That’s That”
Akon ft. Snoop Dogg: “I Wanna Love You”
Tyrese: “One”
Keyshia Cole ft. 2Pac: “Playa Cardz Right”
Keyshia Cole ft. Nicki Minaj: “I Ain’t Thru”
Meek Mill ft. Rick Ross: “Ima Boss”
Nicki Minaj ft. 2 Chainz: “Beez In The Trap”
Nicki Minaj ft. Chris Brown: “Right By My Side”
Nicki Minaj: “Pound the Alarm”
2 Chainz ft. Nicki Minaj: “I Luv Dem Strippers”
B.o.B. ft. Nicki Minaj: “Out Of My Mind”
Waka Flocka Flame ft. Nicki Minaj, Tyga & Flo Rida: “Get Low”
Kat Graham: “Put Your Graffiti On Me”
DJ Drama ft. Ludacris, T.I., Young Jeezy & Future: “We In This”
Trey Songz: “Heart Attack”
Trey Songz ft. T.I.: “2 Reasons”
Keyshia Cole ft. Lil Wayne: “Enough Of No Love”
The Game ft. Dej Loaf: “Ryda”
Nicki Minaj ft. Drake & Lil Wayne: “No Frauds”
Yo Gotti: “Errbody”
Tink: “Million”
K. Michelle: “Can’t Raise A Man”
Wale ft. Nicki Minaj & Juice J: “Clappers”
Snoop Dogg: “Let The Bass Go”
Juicy J ft. Wale & Trey Songz: “Bounce It”
Juicy J ft. Chris Brown & Wiz Khalifa: ” Talkin’ Bout”
YG ft. Drake: “Who Do You Love”
Juicy J ft. Nicki Minaj, Lil Bibby & Young Thug: “Low”
Future ft. Pharrell & Pusha T: “Move That Dope”
August Alsina ft. Nicki Minaj: “No Love”
Meek Mill ft. Chris Brown & Nicki Minaj: “All Eyes On You”
Jidenna ft. Kendrick Lamar: “Classic Man (Remix)”
Jidenna: “Long Live The Chief”
Jidenna: “Knickers”
Keyshia Cole ft. Remy Ma & French Montana: “You”
Busta Rhymes ft. Vybz Cartel & Tory Lanez: “Girlfriend”
Future ft. YG: “Extra Luv”
Future ft. Nicki Minaj: “You Da Baddest”
Jacquees ft. Dej Loaf: “At The Club”
Kehlani: “CRZY”
Yo Gotti ft. Nicki Minaj: “Rake It Up”
The Game ft. Jeremih: “All Eyez”
The Game ft. Jason Derulo: “Baby You”
Dre Drumm ft. Dexter Darden & Haile J: “Wake Up”
Sean Kingston ft. Wale: “Seasonal Love”
TGT: “I Need”
K. Michelle: “V.S.O.P.”
Brandon Hines: “Yes You Are”
Keyshia Cole ft. Monica: “Trust”
R. Kelly: “Feelin’ Single”
Brick & Lace: “Never Never”
Monica: “Everything To Me”
Yo Gotti ft. Lil Wayne: “Women Lie, Man Lie”
Gucci Mane ft. Usher: “Spotlight”
Jaicko: “Oh Yeah”
Cherish: “Amnesia”
Keyshia Cole: “I Remember”
Birdman ft. Lil Wayne: “Pop Bottles”
Ray Lavender: “My Girl Gotta Girfriend”
Keyshia Cole ft. Missy Elliott & Lil’ Kim: “Let It Go”
50 Cent: “Straight To The Bank”
50 Cent: “Amusement Park”
Rooney: “When Did Your Heart Go Missing”
Mýa ft. Lil Wayne: “Lock You Down”
Robin Thicke: “Can U Believe”
T-Pain ft. Young Joc: “Buy U A Drank (Shawty Snappin’)”
R. Kelly ft. T- Pain: “I’m A Flirt”
R. Kelly ft. T.I. & T-Pain: “I’m A Flirt (Remix)”
Nelly ft. Ashanti & Akon: “Body On Me”
LL Cool J ft. The-Dream: “Baby”
Keyshia Cole: “You Complete Me”
Keyshia Cole: “Heaven Sent”
50 Cent ft. Olivia: “Best Friend”
BoA: “Jazzclub”
Busta Rhymes ft. Swizz Beatz: “New York Shit”
C-Side ft. Keyshia Cole: “Girlfriend/Boyfriend”
David Guetta  ft. Nicki Minaj & Lil Wayne: “Light My Body Up”
Fantasia: “I’m Doin’ Me”
Jibbs: “Chain Hang Low”
JoJo: “Disaster”
Keyshia Cole: “Long Way Down”
Keyshia Cole: “Trust And Believe”
Lil’ Kim ft. Mr. Cheeks: “The Jump Off”
Lil’ Mo ft. Fabolous: “4Ever”
Nelly ft. Jermaine Dupri & Ciara: “Stepped On My J’z”
New Kids On The Block ft. Ne-Yo: “Single”
Prince Royce: “Te Robaré”
Sean Paul ft. Keyshia Cole: “(When You Gonna) Give It Up To Me”
Teairra Mari ft. Pleasure P: “Hunt 4 U”
Mack Wilds: “Love In The 90z”
Wacka Flocka Flame: “Hard In Da Paint”






Estreias MTV Brasil: Julho 2009

Playlist com os clipes que estrearam na programação da MTV Brasil em Julho de 2009:

artista: “título da música” > direção
Titãs: “Antes De Você” > Oscar Rodrigues Alves / Hugo Possolo
Little Boots: “New In Town” > Jake Nava
P!nk: “Please Don’t Leave Me” > Dave Meyers
Agnela: “Podia Ser” > Eduardo Pereira
Garotas Suecas: “Bugalu (sessões mtv)” > Danilo Bechara / Rodrigo Leme / Paulo Azevedo
Regina Spektor: “Laughing With” > Adria Petty
Thiago Pethit ft. Tiê: “Essa Canção Francesa” > Rafael Barion / Adams Carvalho
Depeche Mode: “Peace” > Jonas & François
Rockz: “Tô Planejando” > Bruno Pederneiras / Pedro Garcia
Tiê: “Assinado Eu” > Leandro HBL
Daniel Merriweather ft. Wale: “Change” > Elliot Jokelson
David Archuleta: “Touch My Hand” > Matt Alonzo
Taking Back Sunday: “Sink Into Me” > Travis Kopach
Slipknot: “Sulfur” > P. R. Brown / Shawn Crahan
White Lies: “Death (Crystal Castles Remix)” > Andreas Nilsson / Tim Walker
N.A.S.A. ft. Barbie Hatch, RZA & John Frusciante: “Way Down” > Syd Garon / Sage Vaughn
Miley Cyrus: “The Climb (non-film version)” > Matthew Rolston
Eminem: “3 A.M.” > Syndrome
The Black Eyed Peas: “I Gotta Feeling” > Ben Mor
Dois Em Um: “Mais Uma Vez” > Rodrigo Luna / Alexandre Guena
Alesha Dixon: “Let’s Get Excited” > Max & Dania
Pussycat Dolls: “Hush Hush; Hush Hush” > Rich Lee
Áyira: “Respostas” > Lucas Ratton
Oficina G3: “Incondicional” > Hugo Pessoa
Júlia Says: “Salto Alto” > Igor De Lyra / Igor Pipa
Transmissor: “Primeiro De Agosto” > Marinho Antunes
El Lobo (aka Me And My Subordinates): “All Brazilian Krishnas” > André Coutinho Wolf / Guilherme Stolf Da Silva
Nuwisha: “Nunca Prenderão Meus Pensamentos” > Lucas Silvestre
The Killers: “Goodnight, Travel Well” > David Slade
Heavy Trash: “Justine Alright (Show MTV)” > Danilo Bechara
Coldplay: “Life In Technicolour II” > Dougal Wilson
Pública: “Casa Abandonada” > Fabrício Castanhede / Pedro Metz
David Guetta ft. Kelly Rowland: “When Love Takes Over” > Jonas Akerlund
Silicon Fly: “Searching” > Ryan Smith
Túlio Dek ft. Paulo Miklos: “O Que Se Leva Da Vida…” > Alex Miranda
K-TRANC!: “Mundo De Ilusão” > Pedro Nuñez
Fuja Lurdes: “Imaginar” > Gil Baroni
Oxe: “Verumar” > Hugo Mocó
Jet: “She’s A Genius” > Krozm
Vinny: “Tédio” > Pedro Hora
Lily Allen: “Fuck You” > AB/CD/CD
U2: “Magnificent (Live from Somerville Theatre – Boston)” > Tom Krueger
Ludov: “Reprise” > Ricardo Sêco
Reação Em Cadeia: “Me Odeie (ao vivo)” > Sammy Klein Roos
Dead Fish: “Autonomia” > Tagori Mazzoni / Flavio Bá
Severo Em Marcha: “Bad Love (Yes, I Feel Bad Love)” > Juan Zapata
Juliana R.: “El Hueco (sessões mtv)” > Rodrigo Leme
Bad Luck Gamblers: “Devil’s Look Dice” > Vérbis Júnior
Lady Sovereign: “So Human” > David Allain
Peter Doherty: “Broken Love Song” > Douglas Hart
Kasabian: “Fire” > W.I.Z.
Catch Side: “Daquilo Que Eu Chamo De Amor” > Dante Belluti / Philip Moss
bOTECOeletro: “Masters” > Ricardo Imperatore / Piu Gomes
Vulca: “Jóias E Diamantes” > Eber F. Novo / Mauro Morandin
Naná Rizinni: “Busy In The City” > Felipe Igarashi
Los Porongas: “Nada Além” > Sandro Vieira / Cesar Marsola
Libório & A Combustão Instantânea: “Um Troço (Bem Melhor)” > Libório
Kiara Rocks: “Últimos Dias” > Ernesto Neto / Celso Vilalba / Tiago Gil
Doidivinas: “Envenenada” > Vinicius Guerra
Ben Harper & Relentless7: “Fly One Time” > C. LeDoux / M. Avis
Pitty: “Me Adora” > Ricardo Spencer
Alice In Chains: “A Looking In View” > Stephan Schuster
Daughtry: “No Surprise” > Nathan Cox
Tiago Iorc: “Blame” > Rafael Trindade / Tiago Iorc
Wado: “Fortalece Aí” > Glauber Xavier
Tom Bloch: “A Dúvida” > Fabricio Faerman / Raul Krebs / Pedro Veríssimo
Mitchel Musso: “Hey” > Noble Jones
Mallu Magalhães: “Vanguart” > Rodrigo Pesavento
Apolonio: “Bitter Escape (sessões mtv)” > Rodrigo Leme
Ana Cañas: “Esconderijo” > Selton Mello
Dellamarck: “Gatilho
FlexSete: “Nada É Pra Sempre” > Bruno Sampaio Flores
Homens De Marte: “Mágico” > Bruno Murtinho


Estreias MTV Brasil: Junho 2009

Videoclipes que estrearam na programação da MTV Brasil em Junho de 2009:

artista: “título da música” > direção
Yusuf Islam: “Thinkin’ ‘bout You” > Ben Unwin
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart: “Everything With You” > Art Boonpam
Bob Black: “Dilema” > Taciana De Fátima Oliveira
Wado: “Reforma Agrária Do Ar” > Yuri D’Magalhães
Ideal Stereo: “Bloqueador” > Roberto Burd
Cérebro Eletrônico: “Dê! (sessões mtv)” > Rodrigo Leme
The Lodger: “The Good Old Days” > Letterbox Media
Pedro Luís & A Parede: “Tem Juízo Mas Não Usa” > Liana Brazil
Bricolage: “The Waltzers” > Nel Dyer
Cine: “Garota Radical” > Leo Ferraz
Kasabian: “Vlad The Impaler” > Richard Ayoade
Iggy Pop: “King Of The Dogs (Businessman Version)” > Patrick Boivin
Kutiman ft. Karolina: “Music Is Ruling My World” > Yotam Gendleman
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: “Heads Will Roll” > Richard Ayoade
Playing For Change: “Stand By Me” > Mark Johnson / Jonathan Wall
Marilyn Manson: “Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon” > Steven Johnson
Kylie Minogue: “In My Arms (Live)” > William Baker
Adrede: “Cada Cabeça Uma Sentença” > Julio Cruz
Envydust: “Meu Lugar” > Miguel Varca / Tito Sabatino
Facas Voadoras: “1:54” > Higor Ganassin
Snow Patrol: “The Planets Bend Between Us” > Daniel Brereton
Crystal Stilts: “Prismatic Room” > Army Of Kids
Duffy: “Stepping Stone” > Sophie Muller
Linkin Park: “New Divide” > Joe Hahn
Cause Co-Motion!: “Who’s Gonna Care?” > Josh Feldman
MopTop: “Bom Par” > Leda Rozenfeld / Mario Mamede
Jonas Brothers: “Paranoid” > Brandon Malloy / Tim Wheeler
Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em ft. Sammie: “Kiss Me Thru The Phone” > Rage
Skank: “Sutilmente” > Conrado Almada
Bat For Lashes: “Pearl’s Dream” > Nima Nourizadeh
Razorlight: “Burberry Blue Eyes” > James Coperman
Akon ft. Negra Li: “Beautiful (Brazilian Version)” > Gil Green
The Killers: “The World We Live In” > Danny Drysdale
Pet Shop Boys: “Did You See Me Coming?” > Douglas Hart
Vera Loca: “Borracho Y Loco” > Agnaro Escotero
Fantomáticos: “Gin” > Patrícia Ribeiro Barbieri
VOXdOG: “Um De Abril (O Dia Mais Feliz!)” > Fabio Lopez
Chris Cornell: “Long Gone” > Matt Alonzo
Depeche Mode: “Wrong (Studio Version)” > David Lynch
Röyksopp ft. Robyn: “The Girl And The Robot” > Michael Baldwin
David Cook: “Come Back To Me” > Gavin Bowen
Beyoncé: “Ego” > Frank Gatson Jr.
Nervoso & Os Calmantes: “Teimosia (sessões mtv)” > Rodrigo Leme
Paulo Ricardo ft. Andreas Kisser: “Matar Ou Morrer” > Elias Jr.
Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em ft. Gucci Mane & Shawty-Lo: “Gucci Bandana” > Mr. Boston
Rafael Barreto: “Pensando Em Você” > Carina Zaratin / Fred Ouro Preto
Ayo: “Lonely” > Wendy Morgan
Lady GaGa: “LoveGame” > Joseph Kahn
Hy-Fy: “Dessa Vez” > Rafael Armbrust
Madame Rrose Sélavy: “Moça Da Novela” > Dellani Lima
Pixie Lott: “Mama Do (Uh Oh, Uh Oh)” > Truddy Bellinger
Kelly Clarkson: “I Do Not Hook Up” > Bryan Barber
Mallu Magalhães: “O Preço Da Flor” > macaU
Cartolas: “Sujeito Boa Praça” > André Silveira / Otávio Silveira / Rômulo Lubachesky
Green Day: “21 Guns” > Nate Weaver / Marc Webb
Rock Rocket: “Os Legais” > Bruno Garcia / Toni Stringhini
Rob Thomas: “Her Diamonds” > Dave Meyers
Orquestra Contemporânea De Olinda: “Ladeira”
Bob Dylan: “Beyond Here Lies Nothin’” > Nash Edgerton
Natiruts: “Raçaman” > 13 Produções / Júlio Araújo
The Fray: “Never Say Never” > Ace Norton
Paolo Nutini: “Candy” > Nez
Hocus Pocus: “Electric City Muse” > Fábio Matta
Nando Reis & Os Infernais: “Ainda Não Passou” > Bruno Murtinho
Redoma: “Breve” > Gabriel Von Doscht

Estreias MTV Brasil: Novembro 2008

Nessa playlist você confere os videoclipes que estreavam na programação da MTV Brasil no mês de Novembro de 2008:

artista: “título da música” > direção
Paramore: “Decode” > Shane Drake
Papas Da Língua: “Oba Oba” > Ana Tancredo
Dido: “Don’t Believe In Love” > Alex & Liane
Alanis Morissette: “Not As We” > James Whitaker
R.E.M.: “Until The Day Is Done” > Vincent Moon
T.I. ft. Rihanna: “Live Your Life” > Anthony Mandler
Death Cab For Cutie: “No Sunlight” > Ramon & Pedro
Simple Plan: “Save You” > RT! / Simple Plan
Nove Mil Anjos: “Chuva Agora” > José Eduardo Belmonte
Panic! At The Disco: “Northern Downpour” > Behn Fannin
Madame Saatan: “Vela” > Priscilla Brasil
Kid Rock: “Roll On” > Deaton Lamar
Charme Chulo: “Piada Cruel” > Destilaria Do Audiovisual
Rogério Skylab: “Eu Tô Sempre Dopado” > Amilcar Oliveira
China: “Sem Paz (sessões mtv)” > Philippe Pinheiro / Danilo Bechara
Peter, Bjorn & John: “Objects Of My Affection”
Zerodoze: “Nossa História” > Frederico Ruas
Ben Harper: “In The Colors (VMB 2008)” > Romi Atarashi
Atletas De Marte: “A Vovó Voadora” > Ricardo Oliveira
Nação Zumbi: “Fome De Tudo [Código MTV]” > Roberto Ortega

Um portal com playlists temáticas de videoclipes musicais, reunidos por elementos em comum que podem ser destacadas nas obras. Também há playlists database, reunindo as estreias videoclípticas presentes no YouTube e na antiga MTV Brasil, separadas por mês e ano. E confira ainda as Videografias de grandes diretores de videoclipes.

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